Dental Implant Cost – What To Expect By Dena Rahtbun – Texas Center For Oral Surgery Blog

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I know about you. You have missing teeth, or teeth that are damaged and can no longer be repaired.

You can’t eat the foods you love, you are self conscious about your smile and you find yourself hiding your teeth from the world.  You don’t feel great a lot of the time and your bad teeth keep you from smiling and laughing when you do feel good.  How do I know this?  It’s pretty simple, actually-

You are searching for information about dental implants on the internet, that is how I know.  You have done it before and you know that replacing your damaged and missing teeth with something permanent is the ideal treatment.

You are well-educated on different types of implants, their capabilities and limitations (which are few).  You know that implants are better than dentures, especially if you have been wearing a denture.  You are sick and tired of hiding behind your hand when you smile, and fed up with dental pain, teeth that give out at the worst possible moment and most of all, you are tired of making emergency appointments with the dentist just to make another emergency repair, piecemeal style.

What is stopping you from moving forward and eliminating this lifestyle crushing problem from your life?  I know that too- it’s dental implant cost.

Dental implants are expensive and even though you have researched the treatment to death, you still don’t know what it would cost YOU to get your teeth back in shape.  Yes, I said it- not many dental blogs will say it out loud- dental implants are expensive, but the value in it lies in your priorities and how you plan.  A car is expensive, but it doesn’t change your life.  In fact, you pay for it for a few years, drive it for a while and then you have to go buy a new one all over again. I know people who have had a $500 per month car payment for the past 20 years!  They buy a new car every two years, thinking it is going to make them happy, but all it does it get them from Point A to Point B- no life-changer.

Dental implants will last you the rest of your life (97% of the time).  You only have to pay for it once, and the impact it can have on lifestyle is much more positive than the temporary good vibes you feel driving a new car.

Although an expensive treatment option, there are specialists, like Dr. Robert Weinstein, who believe in providing the best treatment options available to patients at a cost that is more reasonable than most others.  When you do a lot of dental implants, you have the freedom to offer certain financial advantages to your patients, such as less costly dental implants. Can you get experienced, specialized dental implant treatment for less, and not compromise on quality of care and patient service?  Yes, you can.

I’m not going to tell you that you can get dental implants to replace your teeth for the same cost as a denture. 

If you find that out there somewhere, buyer beware!  What I will tell you, is that you can replace your missing and damaged teeth with permanent, stable and natural looking/feeling dental implants without taking a second mortgage out on your house.  Want to know how much it is going to cost YOU to get the treatment you need to improve your lifestyle?  We have an app for that- try our treatment fee estimate request   and get an estimate on your dental implant cost.

request a dental implant quote

Be advised that we can estimate your fees based on the information you provide, which may not be clinically complete.  We will do our best to give accurate and factual information about cost when you complete the request, however, we cannot guarantee that the fee estimated will be exactly the same as the fee for actual treatment.  This is because every single patient is different, and treatment is not always as straightforward as we hope.  Sometimes, certain additional procedures are needed, such as bone grafting and tooth extraction, but we can’t tell what is going to work best for your situation and anatomy via email.  We can, however,  give you a complete, reliable, take-it-to-the-bank treatment fee estimate when you come in and meet Dr. Weinstein for your FREE consultation and panoramic x-ray.

Either way, financial information about dental implants cost is hard to come by online.  Our tool helps you get a clearer picture of what you can reasonably expect.  When you want the details, we are happy to see you here in the office.  Until then, just know that we are here for you, on your side, and ready to help you achieve a healthy smile with experienced surgical care and a reasonable price.  We think that’s pretty cool!

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