Educate Yourself On Your Dental Implant Options Before You Decide On Treatment – Texas Center For Oral Surgery Blog

dental implantTypes of Dental Implants

When it comes to replacing missing teeth with dental implants, there are many options available, and researching all the options on your own can be daunting and confusing.  The jumping off point for patients interested in implant dentistry is a web search.  On the internet, you will find a wide variety of dental implant treatment options, all proclaiming to be the ‘most advanced’, ‘most successful’ option available.  You will be inundated with terms such as “All On Four”, “Teeth in a Day”. “Zirconium Implants”, “immediate implants” and a wide array of other technical terms all promising to replace your missing teeth today.  While dental implants in some form or fashion play a role in almost all dental treatment plans for tooth replacement, the clinical application of dental implants is as diverse as each individual patient.

The Truth About Dental Implants

The truth about dental implants is that you are highly likely to receive different options for accomplishing the same goal from every dental implant specialist you seek a consultation from.  This is why it is so important to seek more than one professional opinion before making the decision to move ahead with dental implant treatment.  Multiple opinions and various options for treatment are important to your decision making process.  Consider your options and recommended treatment plans a part of your research and an important part of the patient education process. Choose the option that you are most comfortable with, that makes the most sense to you.

Can Implants Change Your Life? Click for video

Clear and Concise Treatment Options

Once you have done a web search and learned about the different dental implant treatments available to you, your next step is a consultation with an implant specialist.  Your specialist will discuss your options with you in detail, taking into consideration the treatment methods you have expressed your interest in.  A treatment plan with be outlined, along with the costs involved with treatment.  It is important that you receive a transparent fee estimate from the specialist so that you have a clear understanding of the cost of dental implant treatment.   If dental insurance will be playing a role, make sure that your coverage is taken into consideration.

Schedule A Complimentary Consultation

It is a good idea to seek the opinion of more than one specialist, especially if you are planning to replace many teeth, an entire dental arch, or both dental arches.  Arming yourself with knowledge is the best way for you to make sure you are informed, educated and making the best decision possible for you and your individual situation.

If you are ready to take the natural next step and schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about your dental implant options, call us today.



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