Are My Wisdom Teeth Impacted? | Texas Center For Oral Surgery Teeth

The wisdom teeth are the third and final set of adult teeth to emerge. They usually begin pushing their way through the gums between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, and they often cause a lot of problems in the process. If you have constant pain around your molars, it may be because of impacted wisdom teeth that need to be extracted by an oral surgeon. Here are a few signs that your wisdom teeth have become impacted.

How Do Wisdom Teeth Become Impacted?

A wisdom tooth becomes impacted when it fails to emerge properly from the gums with part of it remaining submerged beneath the tissue. This can make teeth harder to clean and more vulnerable to injury and decay, and impacted wisdom teeth can even provide shelter for harmful bacteria that cause nasty oral infections like gum disease.

What Are Some Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to many significant oral health problems if they are not treated properly, which usually means extraction. A few signs that you have them include:

How Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth Treated?

Impacted wisdom teeth usually must be extracted by an oral surgeon. While the procedure is completely painless due to anesthetic treatments, you’ll need a ride to and from the office while they wear off. You can expect to experience some soreness for a few days while recovering from the procedure. To make the healing process as thorough and brief as possible, follow your oral surgeon’s instructions to the letter and take all medication as prescribed. Continue to practice excellent oral hygiene but be careful when cleaning around the molars.

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a patient chronic pain and even undo the hard work of prior orthodontic treatments like braces. Once they are removed, you will be able to enjoy the relief that comes with a pain-free mouth.

About the Practice

Texas Center For Oral Surgery provides for the oral surgical needs of the community of Dallas, TX. Led by Dr. Tamir Anver, the staff ensures that each patient receives effective and compassionate care in a clean and comforting environment. The office is dedicated to wisdom teeth removal and other oral surgical procedures. If you suspect that you have impacted wisdom teeth, contact the office online or dial (972) 436-1513.

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