Spring Has Sprung! It’s Wisdom Teeth Season. – Texas Center For Oral Surgery Blog

We’re Ready For Wisdom Teeth Season

The changing of seasons means something different to everybody.  Springtime in Dallas means baseball season, flowers in bloom at the Arboretum, and the opening of Six Flags.  To an oral surgeon, springtime signals the beginning of Wisdom Teeth Season.

We Call Them Wisdom Teeth

If you didn’t know that wisdom teeth have their own season, you are not alone.  Very few people actually spend much time thinking about the pesky little buggers that your dentist keeps warning you about.  Call them wisdom teeth, third molars, or anything you like, they are the topic at the front of mind for dentists and oral surgeons across Dallas at this time of the year!

As Predictable As Final Exams

How does a tooth get its own season, you ask?  It’s very simple, actually.  Wisdom teeth usually become a problem and are recommended for removal by your dentist when you are in your teens and early twenties.  This period in your life just- so happens to coincide with your high school and college years.  For most students, school breaks and summertime are the most convenient times to see an oral surgeon for wisdom teeth surgery.  Naturally, wisdom teeth removal patients tend to flock to oral surgeons, like Dr. Robert A. Weinstein, between March and August so treatment doesn’t interfere with studies and activities.

Oral Surgery is Not So Bad, And You Get Ice Cream!

The good news for you, if you are a student facing wisdom teeth removal, is that having your wisdom teeth surgery rarely requires more than a couple of days for recovery.  Surgery is easy and comfortable, and Dr. Weinstein’s patients sleep peacefully through the whole thing.  Surgery takes about 45 minutes, and you can bring someone with you to keep you company and offer moral support.  When you’re all done, you’ll get an ice cream!

If it’s Wisdom Teeth Season for you, give us a call.  We are ready to take excellent care of you!

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