Dental Implants Rust Dallas | Dr. Tamir Anver

There is no denying that dental implants can be an excellent option for people who are looking for a long-term solution for missing teeth. However, since dental implant posts are typically made out of metal, you may find yourself wondering whether they may rust over time. Is this something you truly need to be concerned about, and is there anything you can do about it? Your oral surgeon is here to help address these questions.

Will Dental Implants Eventually Rust or Become Corroded?

The good news is that the chances of dental implants rusting or corroding are not particularly high. The posts normally consist of titanium, a metal that is well-known for being highly durable. Titanium tends to be resistant to rust and corrosion – even when it has been in your mouth for years.

At the same time, there is the possibility that a specific reaction between your jawbone, your saliva, and your dental implant posts could result in tiny electrical pulses. Given enough time, these pulses can contribute to corrosion. As such, you shouldn’t completely dismiss the possibility of a rusted or corroded dental implant.

What Can You Do to Keep Your Dental Implants Safe?

The best way to make sure that your dental implants are still in good shape is to visit your regular dentist every six months for a checkup. They can take a look at your implant posts and identify any issues that might be present – including rust and corrosion. As soon as you find out that there’s a problem with your rebuilt smile, you can take whatever steps are needed to address it.

You also need to make sure that you’re taking proper care of your dental implants. That means brushing at least twice a day and giving your dental implants the same level of attention as your natural teeth. Since it can be difficult to get rid of all the bacteria around your dental implants with a toothbrush alone, flossing should also be a regular part of your oral hygiene routine.

Try to be mindful of the foods you eat. Your dental implants will be more likely to become rusted or corroded if you consume a lot of acidic foods. Try to focus more on fruits, vegetables, and other kinds of foods that can contribute to a healthy oral environment.

While the chances of dental implants rusting or corroding are not zero, you shouldn’t let that stop you from considering this reliable tooth replacement option. Dental implants offer all kinds of benefits (such as preventing bone loss in your jaw), and they can be counted on to last for decades provided that you take good care of them.

About the Author

Dr. Tamir Anver cares about bringing his patients in Dallas the highest quality of care. No matter what sort of treatment you need, he will always make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible throughout the procedure. He uses the latest technology to place dental implants as precisely as possible. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Anver at Texas Center For Oral Surgery and Dental Implants, visit his website or call (972) 436-1513.

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