What Are The Dangers Of Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

dental patient with tooth pain

Your third molars, called wisdom teeth, will usually make their appearance during your teenage years or early 20s. However, you may experience discomfort, swelling, or cyst development as they try to erupt. Why? Your mouth is unlikely to be large enough to accommodate more teeth. As a result, the teeth grow sideways and become impacted. When this occurs, you may need to think about visiting an oral surgeon to talk about the pros and cons of undergoing wisdom tooth extractions in Denton, TX, near Dallas.


What Sets Wisdom Tooth Extractions Apart?

Unlike other types of tooth extraction procedures, wisdom tooth extractions can be quite complicated. If you think about it, you can imagine why.

First, the teeth to be extracted are located in the back of your mouth. This makes them less accessible than teeth nearer to your lips. Secondly, wisdom teeth may never—or may only partially—break through your gums. Consequently, the extraction process may necessitate the skillful use of a variety of dental tools and techniques.

Above all else, wisdom tooth extractions in Denton, TX, can be highly individualized events. Each patient has different needs. For example, a person might have two wisdom teeth that are relatively easy to remove and two that require an expert touch.

What Are the Advantages to Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

Removal of the wisdom teeth offers several benefits, particularly if your wisdom teeth have had a negative effect on your oral health. These benefits can include:

  • Elimination of pain and potential complications caused by impacted third molars.
  • Reduction of tooth shifting to make room for wisdom teeth.
  • Reduction of teeth in the mouth to make orthodontic treatment faster and more successful.
  • Lowered risk of infections and development of gum disease in and around the third molars.

Are There Any Concerns Related to Wisdom Tooth Extractions in Denton, TX?

It is important to remember that wisdom tooth extractions are safe. With that being said, you should be cautious when choosing a dental professional to perform your tooth extraction. Although general dentists may be able to extract other teeth, wisdom teeth need an advanced touch. Oral surgeons have the training, qualifications, diagnostics, and equipment to avoid complications such as post-surgical dry socket, post-surgical infections, and damaged blood vessels or nerves.


Is It Time to Discuss Wisdom Tooth Extraction With an Oral Surgeon?

No matter how long your wisdom teeth have been impacted, you can talk to an oral surgeon about getting them surgically removed effectively, comfortably, and safely. There is no need to fear wisdom tooth extractions when handled by an expert.

An oral surgeon like Dr. Aaron Vickers brings years of commitment and expertise to every extraction. Dr. Vickers is board certified through The American Board Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery. He focuses on helping patients understand how to get the most out of their treatments to achieve their healthcare goals.

Do you live or work in the Dallas-Fort Worth area? Contact the Texas Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants in  our Denton office at (940) 387-7717 or our Flower Mound location at (972) 436-1513 to make an appointment today.

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