What Is Dental Tourism? Is It Safe?

woman at the dentistDental tourism sounds like a dream. What could be better than going on an awesome vacation and coming back with a healthier smile — and saving potentially hundreds of dollars on your dental bill in the process? It’s gotten more popular over the past decade, as travel becomes easier and access to information is faster than ever. If you are considering booking a flight somewhere else to avoid the cost of something like dental implants in Dallas, we ask you to consider just a few things first.

What’s the Treatment Being Performed?

In just about every case, dental tourism can save you money on the initial bill of the treatment being performed. But if you need to have something done over again a few months or years later, you will actually end up paying more for whatever it was you had. This is especially true with invasive procedures, like dental implants, root canal, or even fillings and crowns. Sometimes it’s just not worth the risk. If you are really curious what dental tourism is all about, it may be a good idea to stick to treatments like checkups and cleanings, teeth whitening, and other non-invasive procedures.

Is the Dentist Experienced?

One of the biggest risks of dental tourism is that it can be difficult to properly research the dental office in advance. There doesn’t seem to be a one-stop website for finding a reputable dentist, which means you never know if the information that you find is accurate or up-to-date. It’s not like when you need an oral surgeon in Dallas and can easily call the office or schedule a consultation to get to know the team before you get started.

The best way to avoid this risk is if you know someone who has had dental work performed out of the country and can give you a great referral. If you don’t have that, at least make sure you do as much online research as possible about the place you are visiting first.

Will You Require Follow-Up Care?

Something major like dental implants or even a tooth extraction may require follow-up care in the days and weeks following the procedure — and that may come at the exact time you are supposed to be hopping on the plane home. This presents a challenge for your healthy recovery, plus it may be painful to fly soon after having an oral surgery due to pressure changes in the cabin.

Is It Worth It?

In conclusion, dental tourism can be a fun way to save money on dental bills with the added bonus of a vacation thrown into the mix. If you are dying to try it, we advise you to do plenty of research first — and stick to non-invasive procedures. For everything else, it’s best to choose a professional at home, someone you can develop a long, trusting relationship with!

About the Author

Dr. Christopher Bao Brown is an oral surgeon with particular passions in exodontia, outpatient anesthesia, dental implants, soft and hard tissue grafting, pathology, facial trauma, orthognathic surgery. To learn more about his services or to schedule an appointment, please contact 972-960-1111.

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