Dental Implants – Leave It To A Specialist

dental patient smiling

If you are interested in getting a brand-new smile with dental implants, it’s important to seek guidance from the right dental specialist in Flower Mound, TX. An Oral Surgeon, which focuses on facial surgeries and dental implants, can help you find the best method to get your new smile. Specifically, oral surgeons diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance, and health. Additionally, an oral surgeon is highly trained in cosmetics, dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, temporomandibular disorders (TMJ/TMD), among others, and this is what differentiates this type of specialist from a general dentist. An oral surgeon can also place your dental implants for you, while making sure your bone and gum tissue are in-tact. Your oral surgeon in Flower Mound, TX will place a dental grade screw into your jawbone and gum tissue, and then place a dental crown on top, that is functional and natural looking. Then, your oral surgeon will explain how to maintain and care for your new smile. 

There are a few things to consider when choosing the right dental specialist for the placement of your new dental implants. These can include choosing an oral surgeon that has:

  • Advanced education, training, efficiency, and expertise
  • Use state-of-the-art modern technology in their practice to ensure each procedure is safe and convenient
  • Understand the importance of aesthetics and function, using the right tools to ensure each dental implant looks and functions like your natural tooth.
  • Understand the dynamics of teeth and how to properly place the implants to preserve their integrity and promote longevity
  • Patient education resources on how to make sure your implants give you the best smile for a lifetime

Dental implants are a great way to get a new smile, which can help improve your overall health, look, and confidence. Choosing the right professional to get started is very important and should be considered before you begin.


Ready to learn more?

Searching for the right doctor for your dental implant treatment may take time, but it’s an important step of the process. If you’re considering dental implants, we invite you to meet our experienced and friendly doctors, Dr. Aaron Vickers and Dr. Tamir Anver, in our office in Flower Mound, TXSchedule your first appointment with us today.

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