Fair Fees for Healthcare Services – Texas Center For Oral Surgery Blog

One question that an informed patient always asks is whether they are receiving a fair fee for the health care services they require. This has been a topic of discussion in our office recently. Surgical fees are not something that the average person knows a lot about simply because most people do not have surgery very often. Like any purchase that you make, it is a good idea to research cost as well as the doctor you choose to go to. May patients will save a substantial amount of the cost of health care services by simply choosing an “in-network” doctor for their insurance plan. This is the cost savings even BEFORE the insurance plan pays the claim for services. For patients who are not insured, websites such as https://www.healthcarebluebook.comare great resources for finding the appropriate fee for services. An informed patient will choose a doctor that they feel comfortable with and whose fees are within a reasonable range of the average for their area. Our office has researched our fees and has found that we are consistently at or below the DFW average for all services. Combine fair pricing with exceptional patient care and compassion and you have made a good choice. Call us directly with questions or feel free to e-mail us at dena@oralsurgerytexas.com

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