How Can Patients Become Candidates For Dental Implants In Flower Mound, TX?

a dental assistant showing a patient a dental implant model

Some people with missing or failing teeth want to get treated with dental implants in Flower Mound, TX. But how do they know if they are candidates for this life-improving treatment? Maybe people have gone to get dental implants and were told they do not qualify for the treatment.

A skilled oral surgeon can see if people with missing teeth are eligible for dental implant treatments. Even if they do not qualify at the time, oral surgeons can make people candidates for dental implants. Continue reading to learn how patients can become candidates for dental implant procedures.


How A Bone Grafting Procedure Can Make You A Dental Implant Candidate


Bone grafting procedures can be performed in a variety of medical fields to restore damaged, decayed, or otherwise unhealthy bones to their full strength. In the dental world, this is done typically to restore the jawbone. Because the jawbone supports a person’s teeth, or dental implants, it needs to be healthy, strong, and stable in order to do so.

A bone grafting procedure restores a patient’s jawbone by taking healthy bone from one part of the patient’s body and grafting it into the necessary part of the jawbone that needs it. The gum tissue is then sutured together. Once it is properly healed, dental implants in Flower Mound, TX can be successfully placed.

Bone grafting is necessary for anyone who has jawbone decay and are looking to replace their missing teeth with dental implants in Flower Mound, TX. Without a bone grafting procedure, patients who want to be treated with dental implants can be denied candidacy because of their unhealthy jawbone. It is therefore necessary for patients to restore their jawbones mass and density with a bone grafting procedure so they can have stable and lasting dental implants.


What Happens If I Don’t Get Bone Grafting Before A Dental Implant Treatment?


If people with jawbone decay do not get a bone grafting procedure and then try to get their dental implants placed, they run the risk of having dental implant failure. With not enough healthy jawbone mass to structurally support the dental implants, it causes them to shift and fall out. Dental implants are similar to teeth in their structure and functionality; they need a healthy jawbone base to support them like natural teeth do.


You Can Get A Bone Grafting And Dental Implant Procedure With Us


If you have unhealthy and decaying jawbone and you want to be treated with dental implants to replace your missing teeth, then you should get a bone grafting procedure with us. Our expert oral surgeon can treat you in a state-of-the-art office and use advanced techniques and technologies to make sure you get successful and lasting procedures.

If you or a loved one are interested in dental implant treatments but are in need of a bone grafting procedure, consider coming to our office for a consultation. Get in contact with Dr. Aaron Vickers and our experienced team at our Texas Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today! We can help you become a candidate for dental implants with our trusted bone grafting procedures.

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