How To Know If You’ve Chosen The Right Oral Surgeon – Texas Center For Oral Surgery Blog

Years ago, and I mean quite a few years ago, if you received a referral to an oral surgeon from your dentist, you just called the specialist up and scheduled an appointment.  You didn’t have much of a choice about where you went.  You only had to go see him once or twice and that was the end of it.

It’s Not The “Good Ol’ Days” Anymore

This transaction style Raise your expectations for healthcare providersmethodology created an environment where oral surgeons didn’t have to work very hard to create happy patients.  Expectations were low and people didn’t feel like they had a choice.  Let’s face it, everybody hates going to an oral surgeon anyway.  Most every oral surgeon with a license is competent and does a good job, clinically.  After all, oral surgeons, like any medical professionals are trained to be competent surgeons.  As is the fact with many referral driven specialty practices, oral surgeons did not instinctively recognize that providing a positive customer experience for their patients was critically important.   Before I create a controversy by writing that oral surgeons don’t care about or are not good at patient service, I would like to say that there are many who have always provided the highest level of patient service and have always created a friendly, comfortable environment for their patients.  Patient service is just not something that comes naturally to some people, and in a referral driven environment, the focus has not always been on maximizing the patient’s positive experience.

Our Oral Surgery TeamWait!  I’m Not Bashing Oral Surgeon’s Patient Service!

I’m not bashing specialty providers’ patient service skills in this article.  In fact, I want to point out that over the past decade or so, a gigantic shift has taken place in dental medicine, especially where specialists are concerned.  Surgeons and specialists have really gotten into the driver’s seat when it comes to patient service and experience.  How did they finally wake up, you ask?

Patients (consumers) like you have made that happen.


As competition in the marketplace has increased and information has become more readily available on the internet, patients themselves have created a shift in the level of patient service that they demand from any provider of care, even a specialist!

How Do YOU Pick a Specialist?

Customer Service Counts!

There are a number of things that motivate people to choose one specialist over another (yes, people now have options).  Many people are motivated to choose a particular doctor based on the way that they are treated by the staff when they call to make an inquiry. In other words, customer service counts!  Health care consumers have demanded to be treated well by their providers.  People want to go where they are most comfortable, listened to, understood and where the doctor and the staff take a personal interest in them both as a person and as a patient.

Google It!

Patients no longer blindly follow the referrals of their primary doctors.  The internet provides a great way to research their own condition, find alternative specialists and provide more options to choose a specialist that they feel will meet their needs.  Reasons a patient may choose one specialist over another include whether or not their insurance plan is accepted, how close the office is to their home or place of business, and whether or not they like the business office receptionist when they call.   The office environment, friendliness of the staff and whether or not the office seems organized and efficient are all contributing factors in the decision making process for patients looking for a specialist.

The availability of information on the internet is a huge driving factor for patients when choosing a specialist.  Most people now use the internet to find information they need about products or services.  Medical and dental services are shopped for online more than through any other source.  So what are people looking for when they ‘shop’ for an oral surgeon online?


Is Texas Center For Oral Surgery and Dental Implants Right For You?

We understand that DFW is a big place, full of many oral surgeons.  There are over 100 of them right here in DFW.  You have choices, and we want you to make the one that is right for you.  We don’t think that our practice is right for everybody.  There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to choosing an oral surgeon.  Here is how we stand out from the crowd:

We take care of people. We work hard to understand just how to meet you where you are coming from, and will take cues from you when interacting with you.  Are you a very busy person?  You might not want to beat around the bush when it comes to planning your needed treatment… the fewer appointments the better.  Are you very conscientious?  Maybe you want to research your condition and treatment options very thoroughly, ask a lot of questions and get multiple specialist’s opinions before moving ahead.

Are you extremely cost-conscious?  We love it when people ask us about prices!  Aside from being confident in our clinical and surgical expertise, we are not full of ourselves when it comes to money.  The bottom line is that we believe in providing excellent surgical care in a warm and friendly environment and at a price that is reasonable and fair.We treat you the way you want to be treated

Our fees are carefully structured at the low end of the average for our area.  In fact, we make it a point to keep our fees on the low end of normal.  We think everybody should be able to afford exceptional patient care and surgical results.  We offer creative ways to fit surgery fees into your budget so you can afford the care you need.

Are you afraid of the dentist and need someone to provide extra emotional support for you?  Our team is trained to get to know you and to treat you the way YOU want to be treated.  They don’t treat you the way THEY would want to be treated.

We work with you primary care dentist to ensure that your treatment plans are well communicated, well thought out and we strive to keep everybody on the same page where your care is concerned.  We take a straightforward and down to Earth approach, making sure that we are striving toward YOUR goals and needs, not our own.  We won’t try to “sell” you something you don’t want or don’t need.

One Final Word of Advice

Don’t pick your oral surgeon just because he is in your network!  Pick a surgeon who understands you, wants to get to know you and who is ready and willing to meet your needs according to YOUR goals and desires, not the other way around.





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