Is An Oral Surgeon Able To Give Me A Wisdom Tooth Removal In Flower Mound, TX?

model of a wisdom tooth under the gum-line that is impacted and needs to be removed

There is no one better prepared to perform a wisdom tooth removal in Flower Mound, TX, than an oral surgeon. With years of experience and training, an oral surgeon is able to perform a wisdom tooth removal efficiently and effectively. If people wait too long to get their problematic wisdom teeth removed, then it can cause a variety of issues to their oral health. Here is why people should use an oral surgeon for their wisdom tooth removal procedure.


Why May I Need To Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are teeth that come in when people are in their late teens and early twenties. These teeth do not have a ton of space to properly fit in people’s mouths anymore, so they can end up causing them a variety of issues. Wisdom teeth can become problematic because they grow in sideways, or they fail to erupt at all, so they are pushing against the patient’s healthy teeth.

Problematic wisdom teeth can cause problems such as swellings, infections, pain, misalignments, and sometimes even cysts and tumors. When these wisdom tooth problems occur, patients should go to a highly trained and skilled oral surgeon.


How Does An Oral Surgeon Expertly Treat Me With A Wisdom Tooth Removal In Flower Mound, TX?

Oral surgeons have years of additional training that has taught them the complexities of the surrounding bone structures and gum structures of the patient’s mouth. The additional training allows the oral surgeon to provide patients the best overall wisdom tooth removal procedures. This means oral surgeons are able to give people the least intrusive wisdom tooth removals with the latest techniques and technologies.

The advanced technologies that the oral surgeon uses, gives patients accurate wisdom tooth removals. One of the advanced technologies that are used for planning precise wisdom tooth removals, is the Cone Beam CT scanner technology. The Cone Beam CT Scanner allows the oral surgeon to get a 3D understanding of the patients mouth in order for them to get a personalized wisdom tooth removal procedure.


Go To Our Oral Surgeon For Your Wisdom Tooth Removal

If you are looking for the best place to have your wisdom teeth removed, then look no further than our caring and state-of-the-art office. Our patient focused oral surgeon is fully trained and equipped to give patients the accurate wisdom tooth removal procedure they need and deserve.

You should come to our office for a consultation so we can plan out your personalized wisdom tooth removal procedure. Don’t hesitate to get your wisdom teeth removed with our expert oral surgeon.Get in contact with Dr. Aaron Vickers and our exceptional team at our Texas Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

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