Drive After Local Anesthetic | Texas Center For Oral Surgery Teeth and Dental Implants

an image of a patient at a dental office lying on a patient chair talking to his oral surgeon about his wisdom tooth pain before his wisdom tooth removal procedure.
Following any dental treatment, your dentist or oral surgeon will provide instructions you should follow to make a full recovery. Oral surgery, especially, can require days or weeks of special care as you heal. When it comes to driving, make sure you talk to your dentist or oral surgeon about what they recommend and follow their instructions closely. Those who receive only local anesthesia are usually safe to drive right away, but every person responds differently. Even this mildest form of sedative can have adverse side effects. Pay attention to your body’s response and make responsible driving choices. When in doubt, call a friend, family member, or car service.

What is Local Anesthesia?

Local anesthesia is an injected medication that numbs the areas of the mouth that will be treated by your dentist or oral surgeon. While there has been some progress toward creating options that limit the impacted areas, most local anesthetics will numb an entire quadrant of your mouth.

How Could Local Anesthesia Impact My Driving?

While local anesthesia on its own really shouldn’t impact your reflexes or your cognitive abilities, it may be a distraction. Some patients find themselves drooling excessively, they can bite their lips or tongue, and experience a whole host of other struggles related to dealing with a numbed mouth. Rather than be distracted from your driving or getting back home covered in drool, letting someone else take the wheel may be a better option.

How Soon Will Local Anesthesia Wear Off?

Most people are completely back to normal within just a few hours of treatment using a local anesthetic. Again, no two people respond to anesthesia in exactly the same way. As the anesthetic wears off, you should avoid eating and drink very carefully. While your mouth is still numb, you’re at risk for accidentally reinjuring or further damaging your smile after dental care.

Meet Dr. Anver

Your trusted Dallas oral surgeon, Tamir D. Anver, DDS, MD, has spent years honing his craft in order to offer patients safe and effective dentistry and oral surgery services. He has training and works with industry professionals as necessary to provide all levels of dental sedation from the mildest local anesthesia to fully unconscious general anesthesia. If you’re ever worried about your body’s response to local anesthetics or any other types of dental sedation, please let Dr. Anver or one of his team members know right away. The Texas Center For Oral Surgery and Dental Implants team is proud to offer a range of safe, effective, and comfortable dentistry services to keep you smiling.

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