The Death of a Dental Implant: Prevent Implant Failure – Texas Center For Oral Surgery Blog

If you have one or more dental implants, or are considering dental implants for tooth replacement, you might think that once you have your implants, you won’t need to worry about seeing your dentist again.  While it is true that dental implants can be a permanent solution for missing teeth, they are not without susceptibility to failure. 

Permanently successful up to 98% of the time, dental implants are by far the most predictable, reliable and permanent treatment option.  Like anything else in life, nothing can be guaranteed 100% of the time.  Let’s take a look at some of the most important factors that help dental implants to stay with you for the rest of your life.  What are dental implants?  Find out by clicking this link.

How To Be Part Of The 98%?

If you are investing in tooth replacement with dental implants, you want to do everything you can to make sure that your treatment is a success.  To help ensure that you are part of the 98% success rate, there are a few things you should know about dental implants.  Being well informed about the limitations, possible complications and best practices for implant success will help you keep a strong, healthy smile for a lifetime.   Click this link for information about the cost of dental implants.

Most Dental Implants Which Fail Will Do So Within The First 6 Months

The most critical period of time for a dental implant occurs between implant placement and complete osseointegration (the process of the implant becoming firmly set in bone).  If a dental implant fails, it will almost always do so during the initial healing period.  There are several clinical factors which can contribute to implant failure during the healing period after initial placement.  Some of these factors include poor dental hygiene, systemic diseases such as diabetes which can interfere with healing, infection, and failure of bone healing.  It is extremely important to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding dental hygiene and clinical follow up in order to help ensure dental implant success.

Professional Cleaning Required

In addition to keeping your teeth, implants and gums healthy with good personal oral hygiene at home, it is important to maintain regular dental check- ups and professional cleanings with your general dentist.    Although dental implants cannot decay, the gum and bone tissue around them are still susceptible to periodontal (gum) disease.  The leading cause of dental implant failure beyond the initial placement is gum disease.  Keep your gums and implants healthy by maintaining your professional dental cleanings and check -ups.  Have your implants inspected every 4-6 months to detect excess wear and potential problems early.


Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

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Take Care of Problems Promptly

If you detect any problems with your dental implant, see your dentist or oral surgeon right away.  Problems with dental implants will not heal themselves, so if you experience anything unusual with your gums or implants, it is a good idea to have them examined right away.  You will help to ensure the highest success rate possible as well as a lifetime of healthy smiles when you maintain your dental implants and follow the instructions for care provided by your dental implantologist.



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