How To: Enjoy the Holidays After Oral Surgery l Texas Center For Oral Surgery Teeth

The holidays are a time for family, shopping, and indulging in lots and lots of food. However, there is another perk that comes with this time of year: more time off! If you’re planning to use this opportunity to get oral surgery, then you may be wondering how to enjoy the holidays and prioritize healing. For a few tips to help, read on!

#1. Get Plenty of Rest

The holidays are usually jam-packed with to-dos, from company parties and family dinners to gift-giving with friends. If you’re getting oral surgery, however, you’ll need to take a more relaxed approach to the season. Look at it this way: it’s a great opportunity to sit down and do some online shopping for loved ones (and yourself, of course)! Or, you can use your much-needed R&R to catch up on the latest Netflix shows or classic Christmas movies.

#2. Stick to Soft Foods

While recovering from oral surgery, it’s important to avoid extremely chewy, hard, and sticky foods. Unfortunately, that means no pecan pie, popcorn balls, chestnuts, and candy canes. Luckily, there is much more on the “can eat” list, including mashed potatoes, baked yams, stuffing, apple sauce, eggs, and soup.

#3. Schedule Any Travel Plans Accordingly

If you are planning on leaving town for the holidays, it’s worth sharing this with your oral surgeon. Depending on the extent of your procedure, they may recommend waiting a few days before getting on an airplane. Plus, they will have some must-know tips for staying comfortable while away from home, like packing a cold compress, keeping OTC pain medication on-hand, and double (and triple!) checking that you packed all of your oral hygiene essentials.

#4. Drink Lots of Water

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially after surgery. Sadly, many patients have trouble drinking enough water during the colder months. However, water has numerous benefits, including regulating our body’s temperature, protecting our organs and tissues, rinsing food particles from our teeth, and carrying nutrients and oxygen to our cells. So, make sure to keep a glass of water within arm’s reach throughout the holiday season.

The last quarter of the year is filled with time with family, seasonal shopping, and festive foods. Fortunately, you won’t have to give up any of those things just because you had oral surgery. For a smooth recovery and an enjoyable holiday season, make sure to keep the above tips in mind!

About the Author

Dr. Cameron Wendling (or “Dr. Cam” as his patients call him) has more than a decade of dental and surgical experience. His priority first and foremost is to help each of his patients achieve the healthy, strong, beautiful smile of their dreams. Since the holidays are just around the corner, there is no time like the present to schedule your appointment. To do so, visit his website or call 972-960-1111.

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