What to Expect After Wisdom Teeth Removal – Texas Center For Oral Surgery Blog

x-ray of wisdom teeth

Whether wisdom teeth are impacted—meaning they have not yet erupted through your gum tissue—or not, having them removed necessarily involves surgery. This surgery is required to help you avoid future dental problems such as pain, infection, an abscess or damage to adjacent teeth. Like almost any other type of surgery, some discomfort and recovery time is to be expected after wisdom teeth removal. At Texas Center For Oral Surgery in Dallas, TX, Dr. Chilcoat and his attentive team want you to be fully aware and prepared for what you can expect post-surgery, so your recovery will go as smoothly as possible.

First of all, whether you or your young adult child is the patient, you can expect to be very groggy after surgery because of anesthesia. Driving yourself home after surgery will not be possible. Please make sure there is a responsible adult present during your procedure who can take you home and keep an eye on you for the rest of the day as you recover.

After surgery, some bleeding is natural. What looks like a large amount of blood may actually be a mixture of blood and saliva, so don’t be alarmed. We’ll place gauze pads over the surgery site; leave these in place for the first hour after surgery and bite down gently. If necessary, you can replace the gauze after the first hour and change it out every 30 minutes or so until the bleeding is controlled. You can expect some oozing of blood and saliva for a couple of days after your surgery.

Oral Hygiene after Wisdom Teeth Removal in Dallas

Although oral hygiene is important after wisdom teeth surgery, you must take care not to disturb the surgery sites. Rinse your mouth gently with a mild salt water solution after meals and at least twice or three times a day. Do not spit—simply allow the water to drip from your mouth into the sink. To freshen your mouth, you can carefully brush your teeth at night with a minimal amount of toothpaste.

To help reduce swelling, which will actually peak two or three days after surgery, you can apply an ice pack to your cheeks for the first 24 hours. Remember to alternate between having the ice pack on for 20 minutes and then removing it for 20 minutes. If Dr. Chilcoat prescribes medication for pain and swelling, be sure to take it as directed.

Activities after Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Take it easy for the first day after your wisdom teeth removal. Lie in bed or on the couch with your head slightly elevated. Avoid any strenuous activity, including heavy lifting, which can increase bleeding and swelling. If you are accustomed to a regular exercise routine, don’t begin until three or four days after surgery, and even then reduce your exertion level.

Contact Our Office Today

If you need to schedule wisdom teeth removal in Dallas, then call Texas Center For Oral Surgery. You can depend on Dr. Chilcoat and his team to take good care of you before, during and after surgery. Our North Dallas office conveniently serves patients from all around the Metroplex, including Plano, Frisco, Allen, Richardson, Garland and Farmers Branch.

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