Making the Most of Your Dental Implants!

Dental Implant Bridge Model

For those who are experiencing tooth loss or decay, learning about options to remedy this issue might be of interest. If so, a trusted dentist may suggest placing dental implants in Frisco, TX.

Dental implants are a great way to get a new, beautiful smile, and there are several options that offer this result in a natural-looking and functional way. Dental implants will allow patients to execute daily activities with a new look and smile!


What’s So Special About Dental Implants?

Some may be wondering about how the dental implantation process works and how their results may look. Dental implants are placed in the bone of the jaw and are then covered with a natural-looking crown or tooth cap to replace any teeth that are unhealthy, crooked, or not suitable for a healthy oral environment.

Before getting dental implants placed, a dental specialist will assess the health of the patients jaw, mouth, and gums to make sure they are a right candidate for dental implants, as this can affect the longevity of the implants.


How Do You Care For Dental Implants?

Although dental implants function like natural teeth, it is important to care properly for them as they are an investment that is meant to last a lifetime. This means ensuring that they are cleaned per instructions from a dentist and avoiding any harsh, acidic, hard, or sticky foods. Also, patients should continue getting advice from their dental specialist and keep up with regular dental appointments to make sure things are going smoothly.

Dental implants can be a great way to achieve a new look and smile in a way that is long-lasting, natural-looking, and functions just like natural teeth. It is important for patients to choose a dental professional that understands their wants and needs regarding this restorative process.

A dental professional will guide patients in the right direction of a customized treatment plan. A dentist should fully inspect a patient’s mouth health prior to placing the implants, ensuring quality and longevity, and making sure that patients are confident in their choice to get a new smile!


What Dental Implants Are Available In Flower Mound, Texas?

At an exceptional office in Frisco, TX, a variety of dental implant options are available in order to provide patients with the greatest level of security, reliability, and the best use of time. They offer single dental implants, same-day dental implants, and full-mouth dental implants.

Single dental implants are made to replace a single tooth or a few teeth that have fallen out, become damaged, have decayed, and so on. Full mouth dental implants, on the other hand, can replace all of a patient’s teeth with ease!

All of this practices’ dental implant options provide the functionality and cosmetic enhancements patients are looking for in a tooth replacement. Because dental implants are placed on top of a screw-like post, they are securely fastened into the patients jaw, which provides the function patients are looking for.

When it comes to cosmetics, dental implants can easily integrate into a patient’s gums. This makes the dental crowns or other devices placed on top of the post look just like natural teeth!

Smiles can be enhanced with this offices’ same-day dental implant treatment, which can reliably give patients the implants they desire within one appointment! Same-day dental implant treatments allow doctors to scan patients mouth, make their implants, and place them all within one dental office visit!


How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

The cost of dental implants can widely vary. Dental implant prices depend on the practice patients go to, how many implants a patient will be receiving, what materials the doctor is using, the amount of (if any) bone loss suffered, if a patient’s doctor is a specialist, and so on.

The Frisco, TX office understands how difficult this cost can be for patients to pay. Their doctors work to find patients the best ways to pay for dental implant treatments. This includes working with insurance companies, getting the best deals from third-party financial offices, and coming up with the best costs that do not hurt patients’ pockets.


Ready To Get Started?

Get on a path to a new smile. Get in contact with our doctors, Dr. Aaron Vickers, DDS, MD, and Dr. Tamir D. Anver, DDS, MD, in our Texas Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants office to schedule an appointment today!

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